When was the last time that you were at the library? I will admit that there was a long dry spell where I had not visited a public library. Thankfully that time has ended. What really made it end was that our kids are getting old enough to read and the library is a great resource for reader of all levels (of COURSE!). Growing up I had frequented the library with my brother as we looked for books to read. Now though the library has many more sources of media, apart from books that they loan out. Now you can check out movies on DVD, even TV series are available on DVD, CDs are plentiful; but the funnest part for the Peterson household.... they have video games! Yes instead of fighting the crowds at Walmart to purchase a game and then have it fall out favor with the kids within a few weeks; we can check out a game a try it out for a week. If the kids like the game then we can put it on reserve and check it out when next available. Right now, in fact we have Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen at our house.
Now don't get me wrong I love to Wii it with the best of them, but for me the library has been great because I can check out CDs from my favorite artists and listen to something that I might not have listened to in in years or have an opportunity to listen to new music without buyers remorse.
I love the fact that I can browse the library from my Mac and then as I find things I like I can add them to my queue and one they are available then I get an email notifying me that I have something waiting for me at the library.