Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Time to Remember the Past...
Friday, July 25, 2008
BBQ...Fun Times

When I was a kid, my parents were friends with the McDonalds and Mendozas. We would go to one of their houses and the parents would talk and play games and the kids would play. I remember many times falling asleep on a couch while our parents would be talking with their friends into the night. I remember those times that we spent together playing "centipede" in the living room using the couch cushions for ammo. Or when we would spend hours and hours "lip syncing" to Starship and the Miami Vice soundtrack before we knew what lip syncing was. We didn't need Wiis or PS3s we used our imigination. I see my children doing the same thing when we get together with the G, E, and W's. These are the times that they will remember.
If you are not familiar with this
Fact Check Friday
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Paper Clips
What a great story of a community coming together and learning about how we should treat each other and how we want to be treated. One of the reasons that God allows events to occur like the holocaust, is so that those of us that come later can learn from the past and not repeat it. Also, to bring people together, break down barriers, remove prejudices and bring us to a state where we are all God's children. Watch it. Take the message forward in your life. Share it with those you love.
Whitwell, TN is a small, rural community of less than two thousand people nestled in the mountains of Tennessee. Its citizens are almost exclusively white and Christian. In 1998, the children of Whitwell Middle School took on an inspiring project, launched out of their principal's desire to help her students open their eyes to the diversity of the world beyond their insulated valley. What happened would change the students, their teachers, their families and the entire town forever… and eventually open hearts and minds around the world.![]()
PAPER CLIPS is the moving and inspiring documentary film that captures how these students responded to lessons about the Holocaust-with a promise to honor every lost soul by collecting one paper clip for each individual exterminated by the Nazis. Despite the fact that they had previously been unaware of and unfamiliar with the Holocaust, their dedication was absolute. Their plan was simple but profound. The amazing result, a memorial railcar filled with 11 million paper clips (representing 6 million Jews and 5 million gypsies, homosexuals and other victims of the Holocaust) which stands permanently in their schoolyard, is an unforgettable lesson of how a committed group of children and educators can change the world one classroom at a time.
PAPER CLIPS, presented by One Clip At A Time HMA, is a production of The Johnson Group, in association with Miramax Films and Ergo Entertainment. It was named one of the top films of 2004 (documentary) by the National Board of Review of Motion Pictures, has been acclaimed by critics as "Oscar caliber" (Joel Siegel, Good Morning America), and has received audience and jury awards at film festivals across the country.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Cool new thing....

Friday, July 18, 2008
Space...The Final Frontier
So maybe I am a sci-fi geek. It is who I am. It is with this premise that I share the following video. This is video taken from 31million miles away. I thought it was pretty cool.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Why I blog. Part II of II
I blog because I like to talk. You can ask my wife, brothers, parents, even co workers. I am a chatterer (is that even a word). I have always been that way. When my honey and I were dating there were times when we would chat on the phone for hours and hours. Sometimes we would talk until one of us was falling asleep, since it was 3:00 AM. She and I still chat. I recently looked at my recent call list on my cell phone and more than 95% are to her. Sometimes they are little things and short conversations other times we talk from the time I leave work until I walk in the door at home 30 minutes later.
One problem that I Have due to my need to chat is that I am an habitual interrupter. Again, you can ask all the people previously named and they’ll tell you. But the person that gets the brunt of this bad habit is my honey. There is no excuse for it, I just do it. My dad does and so does my brother. I guess we just grew up and had to interrupt to get our voice heard.
With blogging there is no one to interrupt but myself. So I can ramble on and on about whatever and it is ok. And if I decide to change topics halfway though I can and there is no one to tell me that I am wrong.
I guess I blog because I have things to say. Right now I want to say that I love my honey and the little bees. They keep me going every day. When I am not with them I think about them all the time. My honey does so much for me and the little bees. And after almost 11 years we still have fun. I love you guys!
I blog.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Fact Check Friday...Back again is a nonprofit website[1] that describes its own goal as "[reducing] the level of deception and confusion in U.S. politics". In its efforts, FactCheck claims to be nonpartisan.[2] It is a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania, and is funded primarily by the Annenberg Foundation.[2]
Most of its content consists of rebuttals to allegedly inaccurate, misleading, or false claims by politicians. FactCheck has also targeted the misleading claims from various partisan groups.
What is a blog and why do I blog? Part I of II
What is a blog?
There is a great article about what a blog is that I want to share. I normally don't do this but I am going to post the entire blog post from LDS Media Talk that explains blogs. There is a video at the end that tells even more.
Enjoy...Next I will post part II where I will discuss why I blog.
What is a Blog?
by Larry Richman, Posted July 9th, 2008
What is a blog?
Blog is short for “web log.” A blog is a Web site, maintained by an individual or organization, with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other media such as graphics and video. You can start a blog about anything that interests you. For example, LDSMediaTalk is a blog by several authors who talk about the wise use of technology and media for LDS parents and youth. LDS CIO is a blog written by a technology geek to other technology geeks. Other blogs are simply a collection of thoughts and ideas, such as Richman Ramblings. You can create a blog that is open to anyone to read, or you can restrict who can read your blog.Why should you start a blog?
To share your ideas and wisdom, to have an archive of interesting things you’ve discovered, or to share your beliefs with the world or with a targeted corner of the world. You don’t have to be an expert on a topic to blog. Blogging is a great way to share your own personal testimony and to teach people about the Church by telling them what it’s like on the inside. It’s also a lot of fun. When speaking to students at BYU-Hawaii, Elder Ballard said, “Most of you already know that if you have access to the Internet you can start a blog in minutes and begin sharing what you know to be true.”Is blogging difficult?
It can be as easy or hard as you want to make it. Setting up a blog is very easy. Writing regular blog posts is the tough part. You’re most likely to enjoy blogging if you enjoy writing on the topic of your blog. It you really want a high-quality blog, you need to be committed to post often to keep people reading. If you decide to begin a blog about the gospel, schedule regular times each week. Every Sunday evening you could write about what you learned in Church that day and every Wednesday evening you could write about one thing you are thankful for, related to a specific gospel principle.Where do I begin?
You can sign up for a free blog at or on blogging sites like and If you’re interested in starting a blog using your own domain name (your own Web address), you can get one at those sites, or contact the More Good Foundation for help.Below is a short video in plain English about blogs:
Thursday, July 10, 2008
The end of an era....Hooray!

Gates is simply following in the footsteps of the robber‐barons that came before him and he's taking his ill‐gotten wealth and trying to buy himself respectability and a better legacy than greed and bad products. Andrew Carnegie, JP Morgan, William Randolph Hearst, Andrew Mellon, and others are who Gates is using as his role models.So I for one am not sad to see Bill Gates retire. I think that if you are the richest man in the world and you are billions ahead of those around you, it is not hard to see how you got there. Not to say that wealthy people are bad, but there is a reason that NOW Mr. Gates is being nice to everyone. Too bad he can't take windows with him! "Don't let the door hit you where the good Lord split you!"
These men all accumulated truly vast concentrations of wealth through ruthless suppression of competitors and other shady business tactics. And many of them later tried to buy respectability through charitable foundations and giving.
Bill Gates doesn't want to be remembered for what he truly is: A robber baron and convicted monopolist. So he's deploying his ill‐gotten billions as he prepares to buy‐off as many people as possible to create an alternative view of himself in history.
He hopes that future generations will hear his name and think "wow, what a great guy he helped so many people with his money." Gates prays that they will forget the employees who worked for companies like Netscape who lost their jobs and he hopes that the pain and hell that he has put ordinary computer users through for so long with Windows will also be forgotten.
The Gates fanboy types will probably be horrifically offended at the truth of all this but then the truth hurts sometimes. It's something they'll have to work at getting over.
Those of us who see Bill Gates for what he is will have to—sometimes quite ruthlessly—correct those who either have been bought off outright or who weren't around when Gates and his minions were running wild and destroying their competitors through shady business practices.
So if you see a fawning article about how Bill Gates is going to save the third world or eliminate this disease or that disease...remember that it's all PR designed to get you to think differently about him. You're being played by a master spin‐meister who wants you to see him as a "caring" and "kind" person with deeply philanthropic tendencies.
Don't fall for it.
read more here
Alternative Reading...Boise Weekly
Thanks to the unequivocal notion for the coverage.
Boise City Chamber of Commerce - Small Business of the Year from Boise Weekly on Vimeo.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Promise Fades...

Donnelly's boomtown air is gone. Tamarack and its contractors have laid off many. Jerry Frank, a Boise contractor who is part of the Tamarack Club -- $60,000 a membership, at current rates -- says he closed his Tamarack office. Mike Pannell, a developer who bought the Little Firefly Cafe this spring, says breakfast business is down about 40% from last spring.It is no wonder why the economy is THE issue for the upcoming election. It effects us all.
Lani Anderson, who manages the local Long Valley motel, says occupancy has fallen at least 65%. "All I'm catering to now is the weary traveler, and there's not a whole lot of them with gas prices," she says.
Locals lament the town's fleeting promise. Lorie Mauk had moved back to the Donnelly area last year for a Tamarack job, having left the area years ago. But Tamarack laid her off in February, and she says the town's job situation is back to how it was before the resort brought prosperity.
Tamarack's base village is unfinished. The area slated for a Thai restaurant is roofless. The ski shop and pub are in plastic tents.
Home sales have withered, says Judy Land, a local real-estate agent. In 2006, 1,250-square-foot Tamarack cottages sold for more than $900,000, the resort says; Ms. Land says she recently sold one for $650,000.
The resort is continuing visitor operations over the summer, with lifts running for mountain bikers, and expects to run ski operations this winter. Ms. Land expects the resort to recover. But for now, she says, the few potential buyers "want to get away from the depression, from a resort that's in trouble."
Read the entire article here.
Friday, July 04, 2008
4th of July Letter to the Editor
Chris' Letter to the editor.
Happy 4th of July
In the United States, Independence Day (commonly known as the Fourth of July) is a federal holiday commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, declaring independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain.Go out today and enjoy the freedoms that we all share. Spend time with family and friends. Enjoy the hot summer.
Wednesday, July 02, 2008

I love America because you can be in the minority or in the majority and you still have a voice. No one silences you when you disagree with the elected government. If you don't like something you can effect change in your community, state and nation through the electoral process.
As we celebrate Independence day and think of those who have gone before and the challenges they faced to provide for us what we have let us remember that we are ALL part of the great experiment called The United States of America. How things are now is not how they will be in fifty years and things today are not as they were fifty years ago. Ours is a living, breathing, growing democracy; who learns at every opportunity how to better meet the needs of all our desires for freedom.
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Susie Martineau 1984-2008

She was born Dec. 9, 1984 in Miles City, Mont., the youngest of six children born to Stanley Dean and Vicky Crummett Martineau. Susie grew up in Grand Junction, Colo., and later moved to Price, where she graduated from Carbon High School in 2003. She played several different instruments in the high school band and also enjoyed playing the piano.
Following high school, she attended CEU, receiving an associate of arts degree.
She was attending Utah State University at the time of her passing.
She loved reading, animals (especially cats) and spending time with her friends and family.
She was a member of the LDS Church, where she received the YW In Excellence Medallion.
She will always be remembered as a loving and giving person.
She will be missed by all who knew her.
She is survived by her parents; her five siblings, Stanley James (Dresden) Martineau of Roy; Karl Theodore (Kristin) Martineau of Provo; Tamra (Ryan) Wilson of Huntington; Dean Crummett Martineau of Bozeman, Mont.; and Holly Ann (Eric) Tucker of Price; and nine nieces and nephews.
Funeral services will be July 3, at 1 p.m. at the Elmo LDS Chapel, 170 East Main. Viewing will be at 11:30 a.m. prior to the service at the church. Interment will be in the Elmo City Cemetery. Services are in the care of Fausett Mortuary.Source-
Susie was my cousin. She and her mom (my aunt Vicki) came to visit our family shortly after my mom passed away. It was a fun dinner, we actually had Mexican and ordered take out rice for the occasion. That night I remember that it was the first time that I noticed how much Vicki looked like my mom. My brother Clark was close with Susie as they were close in age. While growing up he was able to spend a couple weeks each summer in Utah visiting aunts, uncles, and cousins. Susie had a great spirit about her and she will be missed.
It is the knowledge of the Plan of Salvation and that a loving Heavenly Father has prepared a way that we can be together eternally. Right now there is a loving reunion in the hereafter with Susie, her Grandma Crummett, Aunt Lynn, Cousin Catherine and countless other friends and relatives awaiting her arrival. Our prayers are with Stan and Vicki, Stan, Dean, Karl, and Holly at this time.
The Petersons Love you.