Wednesday, October 03, 2007


Not too many days ago there was outrage that a liberal organization "" would sponsor an ad in the New York Times showing General Petraeus in a negative light. There were congressional leader asking for hellfire to rain down on Now we have similar reaction from the other side of the isle because of comments that Rush Limbaugh made toward Veterans he called "phony Soldiers". If there was nothing else, you can see how similar and juvenile both of these things are. Each side is just as childish and immature. Could you imagine if you acted that way at your job? If I was hypersensitive and reactive it would be impossible to work and get anything done. I guess that is why in Washington it is said that they don't get anything done.
I know that the first amendment protects the speech exhibited in both these cases and although you may find one or the other despicable, they do have the right to say what they wish. You on the other hand do not have to listen. Make up your own mind look at facts not ranting and emotional banter. A good place to start, Don't follow like sheep, lead like the person you are!

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