Tuesday, November 24, 2009

V Day....

This is my view for the next few days. Feet up, pajamas, and frozen peas. Today was V Day. I was off work for a procedure that I had scheduled since the beginning of November. I'll be off Wednesday as well. Then we have Thursday and Friday off for Thanksgiving. That should give me plenty of time to rest and recuperate. Through work I have pretty good insurance and so for the V procedure it was the cost of an office visit, the $20 co-pay. A lot better than what it would have been for Tammy to have a procedure done. 

I thought the 30 Rock episode from last week was pretty timely with Jack and Tracy contemplating the same procedure that I had this morning.  

I love my family and I love my wonderful wife, Tammy. She is taking such good care of me. I don't get sick or have medical procedures too often, so I am not used to being waited on this way. But when I get and move, I understand why the Dr prescribed little movement and ice for a day or so.

Thanks Tammy!

1 comment:

Karyn Mann said...

Yikes! Happy healing my old friend! I have to admit, I laughed out loud a little bit at the photo. It was a combination pity and mocking laugh. :)
Way to take one for the team!