Forever Young.
I want to be Forever Young.
Do you want to live Forever?
I want to be Forever Young!
This year things are and have happened that make me look at my life. I turned 35. Although I don't feel it, I am not as young as I once was. In August my dad is getting re married. I never really saw that happening. Now it is and it's great. His fiance is really nice. They are very happy together. Also, my grandfather passed away. I no longer have any grandparents living. I am 35 so that is not unusual, but it makes me question my own mortality. I have been out of high school 17 years and we are expecting our fourth child this August/September. Who am I? What have I done? If 17 year old Chris Peterson met 35 year old Chris Peterson, what would he think? What would he say? What advice would 35 year old Chris Peterson give him? Would I tell him that his family will change immensely and that it is all part of a grand plan and that life goes on. Would I tell him that he will meet someone that will change his life for the better and that he'll love more than anything else. Would he need to know that there will be more to life than cassette tapes (see MP3s). Would I let him know that a two year mission will be harder and more rewarding than he ever imagined. And that it will effect his life forever. I don't think I would. I might share with him what I've (we've) done. Gone to college. Graduated from college. Married a beautiful/ wonderful women who gives my life meaning and inspiration. That he WILL have a family and to be ready to be a great dad. I would not be the person I am now had I not experienced all those things and more. Life is not easy, nor simple. There are the complicated unimportant and the plain and precious that make life interesting. I can't wait for our new little baby (girl #2) to enter our home and see the love that awaits her from this family Tammy and I created. I have lived. I have so much more living to do. Can't rest or reflect for too long. I've got to catch up with the eight, six, and four year kids ahead of me. That fourth child is coming quickly. Youth is like diamonds in the sun,
And diamonds are forever.
Forever young, I want to be forever young
Do you really want to live forever?
Forever, forever...
Here's a link to the song... Below is the video...