Friday, April 24, 2009

I want to share a story...

While driving to Twin Falls yesterday I heard a song on my iPod and it reminded me of a story. I would like to share the story with you. In a following post I’ll discuss the story a little. Read on.

Somewhere in the old world in a small, poor country live John and Mary; they are in love. They want to have a life together, so they get engaged. Mary is expecting and so John decides that he needs to find more steady employment as work in their small, impoverished country is not dependable and pays very poorly. He wants to have a life worthy of his family. To earn money for his young family John decides to head to the neighboring country to find work. He has been told by the men in his town that there is work in that country and that you can easily send money home. John knows that this would help out tremendously with Mary and the baby that will soon arrive.

John sets the date and starts the journey to neighboring country and takes with him the bare minimum to survive; water, a bedroll, what little money he has and a photo of Mary. He kisses his future bride and leaves their small cottage in the woods. He hikes through valleys and hills to reach the country where the work can be found.
John knows that this will not be an easy journey, but he is young and knows that Mary is praying for his success and quick return.

To travel to the country where the work is John finds a travel broker that can help him make his way to where he can find work. John, being from a small town and not knowing the intricacies of getting work in the other country is grateful that he can find a broker to help. The broker he finds is the best in the business (at least he has been told); the broker is Yote. John tells Yote, “I want to work in the City. Tell me what I have to do. Tell me what it will cost.” John has been told that Yote has the experience needed to help him go to the country and find work to be able to send money home to Mary and the baby.

Yote and John start their trek to the country and on the way John tells Yote about Mary and the baby. He also tells Yote that when he returns and he and Mary wed they will be a proper family with a proper home. He even shows Yote his picture of Mary.

Yote however did not have pure intentions. As they walked through the countryside toward the location where they would enter the other country Yote killed John. Yote took his money and possessions and left him to die in the woods. All that he left with John was the photo of Mary.

After a few weeks of not hearing from John, Mary was worried. She began to wonder what might have happened to John. Did he make to the country to work? Had he even made it to the city and found the man to help him get work? Was he mistaken for a criminal and shot by the army? She didn’t know. So Mary went to look for John. Not knowing what happened she could not find him. Mary never knew about Yote, or what happened in the woods. She never knew that John died tightly gripping the picture he kept of her. That those who found his body, not knowing who he was buried him there in the woods with the photo he held in his hand.

Mary never knew what happened to her John. Poor Mary. Poor John.


Stacey said...

What a sad, sad story. I'm hoping that you'll give us the 'silver lining' so I won't have to feel so bad for Mary, the baby and John. Yote can eat a worm-infested, stinky-rotten cabbage for all I care.


Stacey said...

This is a really hard story to read, Chris, what kind of mood were you in when you decided to post this one? Please give us a happy ending.....maybe.