Thursday, June 26, 2008

What should you do?

I have spoke on this before, but I think that it should be restated. I feel that to follow the counsel of Elder Ballard creating blogs that are only accessible by registered members of the blog are counter productive. One example; I have a friend (ok, the daughter of an instructor from college) anyway we were acquaintances when I was in school. She has a blog where she shares information about her family. Recently her family went through a tragedy. I am not going to go into details, but throughout the process there were many comments of encouragement, sharing of feelings and bearing of testimonies. This was done by people she knew and had seen the tragedy first hand and by those who had stumbled upon her blog and were intrigued by the situation and the process of grieving that the family went through.

What a great way to share the plan of salvation. Let others see how as members of the Church we deal with grief and what we know happens when we die. I was moved by the compassion and love that was shown in this situation. Had this been a private blog, the spirit could not have touched the lives of so many.

I know that there are people that use the internet for evil. They take any opportunity to distort and misuse what they find. But, "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven" Matthew 5:16.

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