Monday, June 16, 2008

Find out the truth....Search it out

If there is one thing that I like it is being right. Now you can't always be right. But when I am wrong I love that my lovely wife is able to correct me. For us it is like a little competition, who can be right and who can prove the other wrong. To me this is particularly important as there is much disinformation about the LDS church out there. As a member of the LDS faith I feel that it is important that when there is incorrect or false information that I correct the error.

Well, throughout the election cycle there has been a lot of disinformation and outright lies spread about the candidates. Many of these come through emails from good-intentioned people that don't bother to check the facts. (That is why I like My lovely wife gets emails like this from time to time and this past week she shared her love of as a place to de-bunk rumors. On that note of setting people straight I wanted to share a video I found when a person who was on a local TV news report and shared incorrect information was later corrected and how it can be a friendly exchange not confrontational and that people having the facts is important. How can someone make a decision without all the facts.

source: Fight the

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