Monday, February 11, 2008

Maná...20 million albums...Now you know

From time to time I like to share interesting things about myself on this blog...So tonight I thought I would share something; I love the Mexican rock band Maná. While I was a missionary for my church in southern California I worked with the Spanish-speaking people. One of the ways that I learned to speak and understand the language was through music and Maná was the group that I listened to the most. They are comparable to The Police. I bought my first Maná tape from a guy selling pirated tapes and CDs out of soft drink case cardboard boxes. You could totally tell that the tape case was a color photocopy and that the tape was a copy. But the price was right and it started me down the path where I am now. Maná actually came to Idaho once, they were touring with Santana in 2000 in support of his album Supernatural. Maná released their most recent album August 2006 Amar es Combatir. Here is a video from that album, Bendita Tu Luz.

1 comment:

Cameron said...

Ahhh, Mana.

My two favorites are Vivir sin Aire and Como Dueles en los Labios.

The one they did for that Santana CD is pretty cool too.