Thursday, December 13, 2007

Christmas Greetings...

Apple has a new "Get a Mac" ad on their website that I wanted to share with all 1 of my reader(s). I personally think these ads are funny and show the truth about Macs and PCs. I recently read an article "Mac users have used both Mac OS X and Windows. Most Windows PC sufferers*, in our experience, have little to no idea about the Mac." ( That is the issue, most Mac users have made informed decisions after using both types of computers. Many (not all) PC users have never used a Mac. They should.


Unknown said...

My brother loves his Mac. I love my PC. I've used both, I really do prefer the PC although it does have its drawbacks, on occasion.

Merry Christmas from the Salimas!

Shellie said...

Cute, I'd love to have a mac someday too.Merry Christmas!

Unknown said...

When my old PC finally dies (it's been well thrashed)I'd love to get a Mac (desktop) but have no clue what to look for. Any advice from experts would be appreciated.

By the way, I put a link back to your blog today as I posted that Nations of the World in Less Than 5 Minutes video. It's excellent! Thanks for sharing.