Monday, July 16, 2007

Today is the day!!!! Alone No more!!! ;-)

I have been alone. It's true. Since last Wednesday I have been all alone. Tammy and the kids went to SLC to see her parents who are serving a mission at the Family History Center at Temple Square. They have been on their mission since January and we went and visited the last weekend of March. I thought that it would be nice to have some alone time, but this was a long time. I did get things done, I didn't mope. When it came time to go to sleep, it was very difficult. I did not go to sleep any of the nights before 1 A.M.. Not for trying either. I could not fall asleep. I think that after ten wonderful years of sleeping next to my sweetheart, that it is hard for me to sleep alone. I missed Tammy very much. Last night was hard to sleep because I knew they were coming back.

I missed the kids too. I had to always have something on to make noise, TV, radio, computer. The house was too quiet all alone. I missed them coming to me with their questions, I actually asked myself a few.

Now I talked to them on the phone, but it is not the same when you know that you won't see them when you get home. There was no sense of urgency when I would leave work, no one was waiting for me. No one was going to come running out the front door to greet me.

I am excited for them to return. I cleaned the house up and tried to get it looking good for them. I am also going to try to get done with work a little early to surprise them.

I love my family.

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