Thursday, November 30, 2006

You are So Zune...Be there or be Zune!

Quit being a Zune, let's go party!
It has been a few weeks and Microsoft's Zune is...well less than spectacular. In fact I have yet to see a review where the reviewer didn't compare the Zune to an iPod and then knock the Zune for lack of features that people really want. John Gruber at Daring Fireball said it pretty well "If the Zune’s best week was its first week, it’s in trouble — and it looks to me like its sales are sinking, not rising". So I want to get ahead of the curve and start using Zune as an adjective meaning "uncool" like "square" was used in the 1950's. I think that this could definitely be the start of new slang.


Anonymous said...

it's not hip to be Zune!

Anonymous said...

Chris you are my favorite blogger. You go boy!