Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Big Brother is...listening

I consider myself a pretty moderate person (politically) I feel that people should have many personal freedoms and with that comes with personal responsibility. There are many freedoms that our nation allows us to have that other nations do not share with their citizens. I have friends and family members that are of all political ideologies so I hear many things. During the 90’s many times I would hear from conservative friends that the “socialist” policies of the liberal administration would put us under a communist state and “big brother” would be listening. Yet here we are in the mid 00’s and “big brother” is listening, but it is not a socialist, liberal administration eavesdropping illegally, it is the “compassionate conservatives”. So now numerous (“innocent until being proved guilty”) Americans are being listened to by the “big brother” government.

National security is important and the President should do all he can to protect us, but I come from a culture that has been persecuted by those in the government and even had their execution ordered. Where people were driven from their homes and land because elected officials disagreed with their beliefs and thought they were a threat. This happened numerous times until the people were driven from a land that they chose to a land that no one wanted. No group should be singled out because of rumors and conjecture regarding their activities no matter what people in power “think” they are doing. With God you can not be punished unless you commit a sin and you can not repent for what you have not done. So without committing and action against the United States or its laws how can a person be a criminal?


Zerin Hood said...


The talk has been that it is foreign lines that are being tapped --they may sometimes be connected to lines in the states, however. A court order is still required to tap lines in the U.S.

I've not kept up on the topic, but I think more has been made of it in the press than it probably merits.

Anonymous said...

Sorry but I could have sworn that they (Bush white house) are trying to over turn the requirement for court order to tap phones of so called "threats" in this country. Sorry but if you don't agree that the President has made a mess of this country then you are living in ignorance. The two party system needs a change, the special interests and the status quo has mad a mess of our fine name!