Thursday, September 17, 2009

She's Here! Ali Catherine Peterson has arrived!

After months of waiting she has finally arrived.
On September 16, 2009 at 12:37 PM Ali Catherine Peterson was born.
Her stats: 23 in long
11 lbs. 0 oz.
Mom and baby are doing great. Should be home from the hospital in a couple of days. Big brothers and sister were excited to see her (as you can tell).

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Many things....

Many things are happening in my/ our life with the next 24 hours... But I found something that I wanted to share.The Pet Shop Boys are performing in Seattle this weekend and on the page for the venue they are performing at they had this cool little widget. You can play a song, mix a song, even try remixing a song. So enjoy and... I'll keep you posted as things happen...

Friday, September 11, 2009

It's 09/11.. Who cares about 912? NOT ME!

Today is 09/11/2009. For my generation we will talk of this like my parents did of the Kennedy assassination; we know where we were and remember it vividly. We as a nation came together to support one another after this tragedy. That was a great time for us as a nation.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

The Tradition Continues...

Can you see it, the visible exhaust from the tailpipes of cars as they drive to work in the morning? What about the moisture that collects on the rear window of a car that was parked outside all night, did you spot that? Do you feel the slight bite in the air as you watch the sunrise? That’s right FALL is almost here. You can read on blogs aplenty about kids going back to school and parents feeling mixed emotions as their babies grow up, get on the bus and ride away. You won’t read that here. Here the onset of fall/ autumn/ otoño means one thing: College Football Season Is Here!

Bronco Football!!!