The previous post talked about how I started using a Mac, so here is the next step.
While I was going to Boise State and had recently married I worked in the computer lab (I know that I mentioned that). The lab manager Stephen Henderson, was a Mac user. Not that he didn't use PCs he did and he was very knowledgeable about them, of course he was; he was the lab manager. While working there my wife and I decided that we would purchase a computer, our first. By this time I was using Macs all the time and knew that was the type of machine I wanted and my wife had grown up using Macs at home. So next was deciding which Mac to get. Stephen was a good resource as he had purchased Macs from catalogs and I had never bought a computer.
This was in January of 1999 and as luck would have it Apple had just released a great little home computer, the iMac. Now the original iMac was released August 15, 1998. We were looking at the 3rd revision, the "five flavors" iMacs. We decided on the Blueberry iMac. Once we ordered it then there was just the waiting. I have to admit I was pretty anxious, my wife might put it another way. On the day that I knew it was to be delivered I took the day off from work and when I realized the day before that it would not get there until the late afternoon I called the shipping company and arranged to pick it up at their office near the airport. Yes, I was pretty excited.
The price was $1299 and it came with a 266 mhz g3 processor (about 500 mhz Pentium) 32MB RAM and a 6 GB hard drive. It shipped with Mac OS 8.6, it has been updated to 10.3.9. I installed new RAM as well once to 96 MB then up to 320 MB. It is an awesome machine. We still have it, use it as a print server for our wireless network. You can still surf the internet and do some basic word processing. I would like to see how many people are still using the pcs they bought in 1999. More to come...