Just a quick post about the return of Autumn. How can it be you say, it is still August. Tonight is the season opener of Boise State football. Now, I won't be able to attend in person but we will be watching it at home. Boise State vs. Sacramento State, this is their first meeting. The Broncos should do well. To show how excited I am I wanted to show my desktop screen from work and give you something to listen to.
Desktop ScreenListen HereGO BRONCOS!
We just got back from taking a “real” family vacation. We loaded up the kids and drove to Denver, CO to see some friends. It was fun, we drove all night to get there so the kids would sleep and it worked pretty well. We stopped about 3:00 am to take a quick nap, and then we were on our way. We were there for about six days. It was a lot of fun. We took the kids to a water park and they had a blast. My brother-in-law was in Denver for work so we were able to see him for a little while also. I was able to visit one of the “Apple” stores in the area (twice actually). I took the kids to the Apple store and they were able to play on some of the eMacs and they loved it. On the way home we stopped in Pocatello for a family reunion. So in the next few weeks I am going to try to collect my thoughts on the vacation and what not. Check it out and see.