Friday, November 17, 2006

New City Ordinance

Another reason Idaho gets the reputation that it has.
"Idaho Town: Buy a Gun to Fight Off Refugees
The town of Greenleaf in Idaho has passed an ordinance asking all residents that do not have an objection to have a gun in their house to protect themselves from refugees fleeing disasters.
Approximately 80% of the 862 residents already own a firearm. Local citizens say that the town is supporting the Second Amendment and that the new ordinance will keep the menace of high crime at bay as the area grows.
The most violent thing reported in the town founded by Quakers in the last two years was a fistfight. The exemption for people with an objection, religious or otherwise, was added after opposition from a local church."
Source: Newsday

I live right down the road from Greenleaf and this is pretty accurate. The city council passed this resolution. I guess they think that having every farmer, migrant worker, and citizen should be armed to the kilt. I would hate to be the guy who stumbles to the wrong home after a night at Burke's Lounge, they would be in for a surprise.

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